In 2019, 39% of high school students reported texting or emailing while driving during the past month. What is Being Done About Distracted Driving Dangers? Open a dialogue with your teens about how to avoid driving distracted, and remember to teach them by example: don't drive distracted yourself! In addition to keeping you from being distracted while driving, stopping for a meal lets you rest for a few minutes. More than 3,000 people lose their lives, and nearly 400,000 are injured each year due to distracted driving. Another thing you should avoid while driving is forgetting, or even worst, skipping signal other vehicles. Avoid calling or texting family members and friends when you know they are driving to avoid distracting them. These statistics are part of an upward trend of distracted driving-related collisions, up from 16% of fatal collisions and 22% of serious injury collisions a decade earlier. Regardless of your skill level, however, you should remember that getting yourself distracted for even a tiny bit can put you and your passengers at great risks when it comes to accidents. Being busy is no excuse for distracted driving. Distracted driving makes you more likely to get into a crash. The first type of distracted driving is manual. Distracted driving makes you more likely to get into a crash. avoid emotional conversations with passengers. You Are Far More Likely To Get In An Accident. >>> Remember to check Naijauto more often for helpful safe driving tips. Of course, if they are advising you not to do something dangerous - you should listen! More Facts About Distracted Driving. Responding to texts or taking calls for work while driving can be dangerous. Before you start the car, make sure to store loose objects that can roll around and distract you while you are driving. While you are driving, your CD player finishes playing a CD. But if you or someone you love suffers injuries from a distracted driving accident, contact a skilled accident attorney to help . We encourage you to keep them in mind when you get into the driver's seat; the more drivers that do, the safer our roads in Omaha will be. Visualize Yourself Working. Everyone could use a driving refresh every once in a while! Pay close attention to billboards. When you drive distracted, you don't have your eyes on the road . It allows you to take emergency calls, play music and use GPS. There are things you can do to keep from getting distracted while driving: Do not text or use cell phones. Every time you drive distracted, the likelihood of you being involved in an accident increases. There are other ways to stop yourself from texting and driving that people should be aware of. There are 3 main types of distracted driving that can increase your risk of accidents ultimately lowering your safety. Instead of eating while driving, leave a little early to allow yourself time to stop to eat. In what ways can the people develop solutions to prevent distracted driving for teenagers? To avoid being distracted while driving, you should.. These passengers generally mean well but can considerably increase risk, by presenting a mental distraction while encouraging you to doubt your driving behavior. Don't Eat While Driving. Texting or surfing the internet while driving is considered distracted driving, and can be incredibly dangerous, so do your best to avoid those activities when driving. These are the top 10 tips on driving safety. You are driving a car with a digital music player connected to the sound system. Driving with clutter all over a vehicle is a recipe for distraction. Distracted Driving Argumentative Essay. While texting, you are distracted: Visually as you look at your phone rather than the road and cars around you. A short break can help you stay more alert when you get back on the road. To avoid becoming distracted by an urgent situation while driving, you must: A.) Distracted driving is doing any activity that takes your attention away from driving. B.) Finishing your breakfast on the way to work or school may seem like a time-saver, but it means you are less attentive to the drivers around you. 5. However, you should avoid reaching around to pick it up until you reach your destination. Keep Eyes on the Road. Do your multi-tasking outside the car. A.) Distracted driving disproportionately affects teens with more than 50% of teen crashes now thought to be caused by distracted driving. If you do listen to music while driving, do not have the volume up too high and avoid becoming distracted by changing radio stations or switching tracks while the car is moving. Cullan & Cullan is taking time this Distracted Driving Awareness Month 2021 to share our tips on how to avoid being distracted while driving. Distracted driving is doing any activity that takes your attention away from driving. While nobody can fault you for having a cell phone in your car, you should only use it in emergencies. There may not yet be a household catchphrase for the distracted-driving epidemic, or an all-out nationwide ban on phones in vehicles—but lawmakers have taken notice. Commit to driving: When you get behind the wheel, focus fully on the task at hand and avoid distractions. You shouldn't ever, under any circumstances text, dial a number or video record while you are driving. Until we learn how to interrupt the process, we cannot compel people to stop driving while using smartphones. D.) All of the above are correct. If you or a loved one has been injured in an automobile or vehicle crash with a distracted driver, or in any crash . People also often enjoy eating, drinking and smoking while driving. Another thing you should avoid while driving is forgetting, or even worst, skipping signal other vehicles. Avoid arguments or distracting conversations with passengers. There are various different tools and apps to help . Wait until your vehicle is stopped.B. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, or NHTSA, reports that there were 885,000 distraction-effected crashes in the U.S. in 2015, resulting in 391,000 injuries and 3,477 deaths. Even if you have a hands-free device, you're still going to be distracted while you're talking on your phone. We hope you stay safe and act smart while behind the wheel of a car. You can also choose to ban yourself from eating or drinking and using the cell phone while in the car. We believe that nothing is more important than the safety of drivers and passengers on the road. 5 Tips to Avoid Distracted Driving. Don't Reach for Something in the Car. Deal with it while you continue driving B.) Until we stop distracted driving, we cannot reduce the number of auto and vehicle crashes that kill thousands each year. Distracted Driving is defined as driving a vehicle while being engaged in another activity. If you can't get away from the distracted driver, call 911 and report your concern. 2. A few examples are listening to the radio, talking to another passenger, adjusting the temperature, and drinking coffee. 2. Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, fiddling with the stereo, entertainment or navigation system — anything that takes your attention away from the task of safe driving. 1. Any non-driving activity you engage in is a potential distraction and increases your risk of being involved in a motor vehicle crash. The things you should hear when driving a car are sounds and traffic signals from the outside, and just a little music or radio news with a volume that is not too wild. Technology has become so advanced and multitasking so common that the combination is hard to avoid, even while driving. Eating or drinking Consuming food and beverages while driving feels normal for many United States drivers, as we have come to treat our cars somewhat like second homes. One technique you can use to avoid being distracted while driving is to. As of February 2018, texting while driving is banned in 47 states, as well as Washington, D.C., while 15 states (and D.C.) ban talking on a handheld phone while driving. Speak up. In fact, it has become a huge problem over the years, texting while driving is banned in 48 of our 50 states and cell phone use is illegal in 24 states . 6 Tips To Help You Avoid Being Distracted While Driving. In the US 9 people die every day from distracted driver-related accidents. Texting while driving is an especially dangerous habit, as it falls under all three types of distracted driving. If you can't get away from the distracted driver, call 911 and report your concern. In the US 9 people die every day from distracted driver-related accidents. If you must use your phone to make a call or send a text, wait until you can stop somewhere. Try to pull ahead of the distracted driver, or slow down and let them pull ahead. Texting is right out. When calling 911, report behavior of the driver, not just that the driver is texting. While cell phone use is the primary cause of distracted driving there are many other causes that contribute. Distracted driving is composed of actions such as texting, talking on the phone, eating and drinking, etc. Turning your phone off while driving, or letting a passenger hold it. We believe that nothing is more important than the safety of drivers and passengers on the road. Forgetting Signal. Distracted driving occurs any time you take your eyes off the road, hands off the wheel, and mind off your primary task: driving safely. 5 Tips to Avoid Distracted Driving. The objective is to travel conscientiously and safely wherever your carpool needs to go. 5 Ways to Avoid Getting Distracted While Driving. To avoid temptation, power down or stow devices before heading out. 2011).". Before you get in the car, turn OFF your cell phone How to avoid being distracted while driving? This includes using a cell phone to call or text while driving. Breaking it down like this will help the task feel more manageable, helping you learn how to not get distracted along the way. Source: The Zebra. Follow These 10 Tips on How to Prevent Distracted Driving. So, every Nigerian driver should relate to, as well as acknowledge these 6 ways to avoid being distracted while driving. Manually as you type your messages rather than keep your hands on the wheel and ready to react. driving task. Drivers should always keep their eyes on the road and avoid looking at things like cool-looking buildings or eye-catching billboards. Know the use of the feet Tiredness and drowsiness are major causes of distracted driving. Try to pull ahead of the distracted driver, or slow down and let them pull ahead. Staying Safe While Driving. You Can Eliminate Accidents By Driving Carefully . Place them in the trunk, a secure bag, or in your glove compartment. Driving While Distracted: Here\'s How to Avoid Being a Distracted Driver. For me personally, receiving a call while driving is distracting enough!! Boundaries are key here. 3. This includes using a cell phone to call or text while driving. How to avoid being distracted while driving? We see them on the road all too often - drivers using their phones to text, call, or get directions. A If you become worried and anxious about something when you driving you should . You can avoid distracted driving by learning . 1. Distracted driving is costly to society because it is incredibly dangerous, costs large sums of money, and can cause good people to become criminalized. Slight errors can lead to serious consequences such as a car accident, so the driver's full focus is required.. One of the things to avoid is distracted driving.This concept refers to the presence of factors that can distract the driver from focusing on the road. To avoid being distracted by your CD player, Choose an answer: A. Last of all, car owners need to remove all the distraction. The things you should hear when driving a car are sounds and traffic signals from the outside, and just a little music or radio news with a volume that is not too wild. >>> Remember to check Naijauto more often for helpful safe driving tips. • 57% of people are more likely to stop being distracted while driving if a co-passenger brings to their notice that they are doing wrong. Technology has become so advanced and multitasking so common that the combination is hard to avoid, even while driving. Pull over if you need to complete a task: Do not attempt to anything while driving other than driving. Safety Tips to Avoid Texting While Driving There is a growing awareness of the dangers of texting while driving, but that has not done much to dissuade drivers from indulging. 588 Words | 3 Pages. Before you get in the car, turn OFF your cell phone According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving is a leading cause of injury or death on the road. Drive quickly to your destination C.) Pull over to deal with it D.) Think about while you're stopped at intersections If you're a passenger in a distracted driver's vehicle, tell the driver that you're not comfortable with their behavior and remind them to focus on driving rather than finding the perfect song or sending a text . So our recommendation is to keep your phone in the silence mood. You can avoid distracted driving by learning . If you must make a call, either pull over to a safe place or use a hands-free . 3. Avoid eating while driving. Having a fun chat with someone in a car doesn't warrant a "selfie." In fact, distinguishing between having a "social moment" and "let's now share this moment with the entire world" while driving is extremely dangerous. People also often enjoy eating, drinking and smoking while driving. You should wait until there are no other cars driving near you, and then . Distracted driving is defined as any activity that doesn't relate to driving while you're sitting behind the wheel. Following these simple guidelines can go a long way to keeping you and your family safe on the road. To avoid being distracted by the music player, you should: only adjust the music player when your vehicle is stopped. For me personally, receiving a call while driving is distracting enough!! 4. Driving is an act that needs the driver's one hundred percent attention. Believe us, driving is like meditating. Below are 10 easy steps you can take to avoid being distracted while behind the wheel. Apr 05, 2018. Distracted driving. Keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel. That way, you don't have to multitask while driving. You won't have to worry about bumping into anyone and getting in an accident. Young adults (ages 18-24) who self-report cell phone use while driving also engage in other risky driving behaviors, such as speeding, running red lights, and impatiently passing a car in front on the right. Shockingly, more than 37,000 people lose their lives every year. The national statistics are sobering. Everyone who drives should know the dangers of distracted driving. Driving while also keeping the kids in check isn't only a tough job but also a very dangerous one. How to Prevent Distracted Driving . Everyone seems to know it's dangerous, but few people seem to think it's dangerous when they do it. Distracted driving. According to a study released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI), 80 percent of collisions and 65 percent of near collisions involve some form of driver distraction. Everyone spends a lot of time in their . Distracted driving kills more than 10 people every day and injures more than 1,000. You should not try to change the CD while you are driving. Give the If you're always been good at multi-tasking , you'll likely be able to easily avoid being distracted while driving . Learning how to prevent distracted driving can be hard but it's doable! Driving Distractions Study. In addition to texting while driving, more and more crashes are being caused by drivers using social media apps. If you need to use your cell phone, stop in a safe parking area. Don't distract people you know are driving: You know when your spouses or loved . If you have passengers, enlist their help so you can focus safely on driving. Below are 10 easy steps you can take to avoid being distracted while behind the wheel. This trend is being hailed as "hands-free" driving. Distracted driving includes doing things like eating, putting on makeup, texting, messing with the stereo, and talking on the phone while you are operating the vehicle. Here are some easy […] In actual fact, parents with no small children in their car have a 74% chance of being distracted while driving, whereas parents with kids have an 87% chance. Many distractions can come from texting, apps, and GPS. 7. If that seems like a lot, plan to write 200 words each day for the next five days (or adjust this according to the given deadline). Driving is an act that needs the driver's one hundred percent attention. As a result, many states have enacted laws to help stop the practice. If another activity demands your attention, instead of trying to attempt it while driving, pull off the road and stop your vehicle in a safe place. . "More than 3000 teenagers die a year due to distracted driving (Miller, Ivy. Dropping something while driving is not uncommon. Advertising. Forgetting Signal. Below are some of the most common ways for you to distracted and tips to avoid being distracted by then, including gadgets, while driving. Avoiding distractions while driving might be the easiest way to prevent accidents on the road. As a result, many states have enacted laws to help stop the practice. Nine people are killed and more than 1,000 are injured daily in incidents reported as distraction-related crashes in the United States . Following these simple guidelines can go a long way to keeping you and your family safe on the road. When the roads get bad because of weather conditions, slowing down and being hyper aware of your surroundings is the best way to avoid an accident.Unfortunately, not everyone follows this common sense rule. If You Start to Feel Drowsy, Safely Pull Over The American Automobile Association states, "Taking your eyes off the road, even for two seconds, you double your risk of being in a crash". If you feel you're unable to stop yourself, try downloading an app designed specifically to deter distracted driving. Whether you're a self-proclaimed great driver or you've just recovered from an accident, it's always worth improving your driving skills. 6 Tips To Help You Avoid Being Distracted While Driving. Reckless Driving in Unsafe Weather Conditions. An alarming number of traffic accidents are linked to driving while distracted, including the use of cell phones while driving, resulting in injury and loss of life. Posted on September 28, 2018 October 2, 2018 by AgentInsure. [ DO not try to adjust it while driving. Even a Glance at your Screen has an Impact If you're lucky enough to have all-wheel drive on your vehicle, this isn't an excuse for driving fast in bad weather. Distracted driving is extraordinarily dangerous, and it is never a good idea to use your phone while driving. Here are just 4 reasons that you should keep your phone in your pocket while driving, and avoid distracted driving. Along with that, car owners should reduce the music volume to avoid being distracted. Never attempt to multitask. Keep your cell phone put away while you are driving. Food spills are a major cause of distraction. At least 16 states and the District of Columbia have entirely banned the use of hand-held electronic devices while driving. Do whatever it takes to reduce distractions while driving. Apr 05, 2018. This way you can avoid reaching for these objects in the car if they get loose, which can be dangerous. Conclusion. It prevents people from using their phone while they're driving over 10mph. Talk to your employer. Give the distracted driver a wide berth. Being a great driver means being a safe driver, but it's easier than ever today to be distracted while driving. This includes drivers, passengers, pedestrians and cyclists. As an example, you can always establish pre-drive habits such as adjusting everything you need to do before you start driving so you can avoid being distracted by them after you leave. Also, you must not make up while driving. Another name for texting while driving is called distracted driving, which, according to the NHTSA, was responsible for claiming 3,477 lives just in 2015. So, every Nigerian driver should relate to, as well as acknowledge these 6 ways to avoid being distracted while driving. 3 Tips to Avoid Being a Distracted Driver. In general, the best way to avoid being a distracted driver is to minimize the number of activities or tasks going on in the car, by, among other suggestions: Driving without any passengers. Published on Thursday, December 04, 2014 Many reasons are given for accidents' occurring, such as driving too fast, improper passing, disregarding road signs, and so forth, but the fundamental fault in perhaps the majority of all accidents is failing to look and see." To avoid distracted driving due to fatigue, always pull over for a break, nap, coffee, or fresh air when you are feeling drowsy behind the wheel. Secure loose objects. Cell phones are one of the common distractions that keep drivers from taking their eyes off the road. Many distractions can come from texting, apps, and GPS. Persuasive Essay On Distracted Driving. Texting is the most alarming distraction. Take action: help stop distracted driving Distracted driving puts Canada's road users at risk. By . Published on Thursday, December 04, 2014 Many reasons are given for accidents' occurring, such as driving too fast, improper passing, disregarding road signs, and so forth, but the fundamental fault in perhaps the majority of all accidents is failing to look and see." 3. When calling 911, report behavior of the driver, not just that the driver is texting. Eating while driving can be very distracting. Choosing a single radio station, album, or . C.) talk on your mobile phone. While the devices may seem like conveniences, their use while driving puts all drivers at risk. 1 Workers in many industries and occupations spend all or part of their workdays on the road. Distracted driving is a dangerous habit that kills an average of 3,000 people each year. A billboard with a picture that changes depending on the viewing angle could become a. visual distraction (*)arguing with a passenger about the correct route to your destination is an example of a(n) You should take your eyes off the road for only 7 or 8 seconds at a time when changing the CD.C. Keep the following things in mind when thinking about how to avoid being distracted while driving. Encourage your employer to have a distracted driving policy that includes waiting to talk with employees until they are safely parked. Keep the following things in mind when thinking about how to avoid being distracted while driving. Drivers should organize paperwork and properly store electronic devices before heading out. With being a distracted driving, around "3,154 people are killed in distraction-related crashes and about 424,000 people are injured in crashes involving a distracted driver" (Harper). This includes activities that many see as part of the driving experience. Offering driving advice or criticizing your decisions. 3. For one, the SafeDrive No Texting while Driving app can be helpful when used correctly. Driving While Distracted: Here\'s How to Avoid Being a Distracted Driver. Texting or scrolling through social media feeds has become a popular pastime for all ages but this new trend endangers drivers when it . Even a Glance at your Screen has an Impact • In a country where the total population stands at only 318.9 million, every year 2.5million are involved in road accidents. Get non driving tasks done in other settings. If you do become distracted and end up getting into an accident you should know the insurance requirements and what different states legally require. Talking to McGehee, Lachnit and others, I've come up with some tips to help avoid texting or mailing while driving. When your eyes are anywhere else but the road, it is a problem. If you must, texting or email response should only be done when you are stopped. Give the Give the distracted driver a wide berth. Driver distractions are the leading cause of most vehicle collisions and near collisions. Conclusion. Texting or scrolling through social media feeds has become a popular pastime for all ages but this new trend endangers drivers when it . 4. Distracted driving causes many accidents in the US every years. Slight errors can lead to serious consequences such as a car accident, so the driver's full focus is required.. One of the things to avoid is distracted driving.This concept refers to the presence of factors that can distract the driver from focusing on the road.

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